Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Out of the mouth of my babe

Random chit-chat: Sometimes Biscuit's topics of conversation seem to come out of nowhere. And I know where he gets that from ... ME! But I can always track back to the original thought.

Here's an example: Jeff and I were brushing our teeth the other morning, and I said, "Catfish from a regular pond can have a murky-water fishy taste to it. I like farm-raised catfish better." Jeff just looked at me like he always does. "You want to know how I got there, right?" I asked him. "Yep," he said.

So I explained, "Well, Biscuit's sunscreen is out of date, so I need to buy him some more. And I need to do that before we go on our family trip. Although, from the looks of the pictures online, there's a lot of shade around the house we'll be staying in. He would need more sunscreen if we were going to the beach. And speaking of the beach, I asked a friend of mine (who grew up near a beach) if she knew of any good deals on rooms at the beach. I asked her when she and I were on the way home from a cooking class where we learned to cook seafood, including farm-raised catfish." See? It's not that much of a stretch. Although it baffles Jeff's mind to realize that my brain functions like that 100% of the time.

Anyway, Biscuit will occasionally throw out a sentence or two, and I'd really like to know the train of thought behind it. Like the other day, Biscuit and I were walking down the driveway to get the mail. Biscuit said, "My day care has a train table and puzzles and blocks and home living (or home wiving as he says it)." It made me wonder if there was a process of leading up to that comment or if his little boy brain works like most grown men brains in that random thoughts just pop into his head every once in a while.

Disappearing act: My parents, my brother and I were sitting at the supper table one night (We had supper where I came from. Now it's dinner.). My brother and I were still little kids. Greg said, "I can turn off the lights without touching the switch." Mama told him to go ahead and do it. So he closed his eyes tight and said, "See?"

I think Biscuit is taking after his uncle because yesterday morning at the breakfast table, he kept closing his eyes and saying, "Where did everybody go?"

Conversations with toys:
Biscuit has been talking to his toys for a long time, but now, they have actual conversations. Here's one I heard tonight:

Biscuit as himself: "Hey, tow truck!"

Biscuit as tow truck: "Hunh?"

Biscuit as himself: "Come help me. I broke my car."

Biscuit as tow truck: "Okay. I coming."

His horses talk to each other. Then the horses will talk to the cars. Then the cars will talk to the baseballs. And on and on.

One day, he said a truck was the Mama and a horse was the baby. The truck said to the horse, "You pick that up." The horse said, "Okay. In a minute." Then the truck said, "You pick that up ... NOW!" I guess that means that sometimes his play imitates life.

Achoo: Not everything that comes out of the mouth of my babe is words. Biscuit was having applesauce one morning for breakfast, when out of nowhere, my dear son SNEEZED applesauce all over me, all over the table and all over the floor.

Trust me when I say that if I'm on the receiving end of something coming out of Biscuit's mouth, I'd much prefer the words.

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