Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Out of the mouth of my babe

Play it again, Sam: Like I'm sure most parents do, I make up stories to tell Biscuit all the time. And because his favorite topics right now are firefighters and cowboys, that's usually what the stories are about. The problem is that because I'm making them up as I go along, I often don't remember a lot of the details, or sometimes even the plot.

So on the way to day care yesterday morning, when Biscuit asked me to tell him a story about a character I created called Fred the Firefighter, I was at a loss.
"Mom, can you tell me the story about Fred the Firefighter?" Biscuit asked.

"I don't remember the story about Fred the Firefighter," I said to him.

"Mom. Just ask yourself. Think about it and just ask yourself," Biscuit said. And it was even better because Biscuit pronounces his "th" sounds as "s." So he really said, "Sink about it and just ask yourself."

Ouch: Biscuit stooped over and walked under the kitchen table this morning. As he was coming out, he raised his head too fast and smacked his head, really hard.

"Did that hurt?" Grandma asked.

"I didn't feel great," Biscuit said.

All through the house: Once Biscuit is in the bathtub or shower, he's fine. But getting him there is quite a challenge.

Tonight, I tried to psych him up for the process.

"Hey, Biscuit. I have to tell you something, but you can't whine or cry or pitch a fit, okay?" I said.

"Okay, Mom. (In a whisper) What is it?" Biscuit asked.

"You have to have a bath," I said. And Biscuit immediately started whining.

"No, no, no, no. You can't whine, remember?" I said. Then I followed with a challenge. "I bet I can get to the bathroom before you!"

"Noooooo!" Biscuit whined. Then in a very stern voice, he said, "It's not a race, Mom!"

"Okay, let's go together," I said. We walked into the kitchen, and I asked, "What is this room?"

"Um, it's where we get food," Biscuit said. "It's the kitchen."

Then we walked into mine and Jeff's bedroom. "What is this room?" I asked Biscuit.

"Um, this is where we watch cartoons," he said.

And he's right. After his bath, we let him watch a couple of shows while sitting on our bed. Nevermind that mom and dad get to sleep there, too.

Small bites: Jeff and I joke that Biscuit eats like a polar bear ... he swallows his food whole. So we try to remind him to take small bits and chew his food really well.

"What happens if you take a big bite?" I asked Biscuit.

"Um, if you take a big bite, you choke. Then you pour a piece of water and drink it. Then the chokes will go away," Biscuit explained.

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