Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Got him on tape

Biscuit has been very anti-video for the past few months. He wouldn't let me video him doing anything. His response was always, "Mom, you can take my picture later."

But something shifted this evening. 

Biscuit and I were sitting together just chatting, and he started singing a song he made up. It was about a red cowboy who rode a red horse and had parts of one of his cowboy books in it. It was also a mash-up of his original song and "Home on the Range."

So I asked Biscuit if I could "take a picture" of him while he sang his new song, and he actually said yes. Then he proceeded to ask me to take a picture of him singing other songs, too.

So here is the debut of Biscuit's song "Red Cowboy Who Ride a Red Horse."

The first time Biscuit sang his song, he had the hiccups.


Jenrobburton said...

I love that he looks like he's strumming the couch in the first one. Where's that cowboy's gee-tar? :o)

Kimmy said...

Well ... that boy got a toy gee-tar for Christmas, but he wasn't very careful with it. So for now, his gee-tar is in storage! :)