Thursday, July 12, 2012

PJ Day

Today is my birthday. I knew Mama was coming into town today, so last night, I wanted to get the house picked up. 

So of course that meant that we needed to eat dinner out, so I wouldn't have to cook and make even more of a mess. For anyone keeping score, that's just good logic.

So we headed over to the pancake rest-au-rant.

After we ate, Jeff said he and Biscuit needed to run an errand. And I correctly assumed that Jeff was taking Biscuit to pick out a present for me.

"Do you realize how he's dressed?" I asked. Remember his Wacky Tacky Day outfit?

"Well, if anyone asks, I'll just tell them that we dress him that way to make him tough," Jeff said. "Oh, and I'll say, 'His name is Sue. How do you do.'"

So the boys went one way to do their errand, and I went the other way to head home.

When Jeff and Biscuit got home, I figured I'd make a fuss about how long they'd been gone. Plus, I figured Jeff had prepped Biscuit with a good story.

I propped my hands on my hips, cocked my head to the side and said, "Where have you two been?"

Biscuit's eyes got big, he held his arms out to the side and he said, "We just went to that store to get your neck-a-lace, Mom. That's all. We just went to get your neck-a-lace."

Jeff, who was standing behind Biscuit, just rolled his eyes. "It was supposed to be a surprise, boy."

"Oh, yeah. Mom. It's a surprise," Biscuit said. "Dad, I didn't tell her about the card."

"You weren't supposed to tell Mom," Jeff said. 

"But I held the bag really tight, and the neck-a-lace didn't fall out, Dad," Biscuit said. 

So this morning, while I was eating my cereal, I got a pretty red necklace.

And Biscuit was excited because today was Pajama Day. He got to wear his jammies all day long.

Here he is in his firefighter jammies (the yellow part of the shirt glows in the dark).


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