Thursday, July 26, 2012

Out of the mouth of my babe

Here are a few things Biscuit has been saying lately:

Abracadabra: Jeff threw a few magazine pages onto the campfire when we were in the mountains, and for some reason, Biscuit hasn't forgotten it. 

Every time I pick up a magazine in front of him, he holds his hands up in front of him and says, "Dad threw those pages on that fire and POOF! They disappeared!" And he flips his hands like he's just done some magic.

He's the best: We were getting ready to leave this morning, and I told Biscuit to get whatever toys he wanted to take. (He still loves to have a car or horse in each hand when we leave the house.)

"Mom," Biscuit said. "I want Dad to take me to day care."

"Okay," I said. "Is there any particular reason you don't want to go with me?"

"Yeah," Biscuit said. "Dad is my favorite."

"You don't love me anymore?" I teased Biscuit.

"I love you, Mom," Biscuit said. "But Dad is my favorite."

Ready, set, go: Jeff and Biscuit race Biscuit's little cars all the time. They line up the cars, then one of them will say, "Racers start your engines!"

The other night, Biscuit was wearing his cowboy boots and his cowboy hat in the living room. 

"Mom, we're gonna have a horse race," Biscuit said as he grabbed his stick horse Jake and jumped straddle of it. "You know what you say next, Mom?"

"What?" I asked him.

"HORSES START YOUR NAYS!" Biscuit yelled. "That's how they start their engines, Mom."

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