Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Backwards Day

Today's theme at day care was Backwards Day.

Before I get to Biscuit, can I just complain for a minute about how lame some other parents are?

When we got to day care this morning, they had the 2-year-olds and 3-year-olds in the same classroom for story time. So altogether, there were probably 15 kids. Guess how many of them were dressed backwards? Six. Counting Biscuit!

So out of all those kids, and all the notice the teachers had given the parents, and all the posters hanging around the day care, these parents couldn't just put the kids' shirts and pants on the other way? It wouldn't have taken any more time than dressing them frontwards.

Lame. Lame. Lame.

As for Biscuit, he was pretty excited.

I explained the concept of Backwards Day, and Biscuit gave me that cute incredulous look where his eyebrows go up dang-near his hairline.

"BACKWARDS?!?" Biscuit asked. "How does that work, Mom?"

So I explained that when we would put his clothes on, we'd just turn them around the other way.

"WHAT?!?" Biscuit asked. I wish I could re-create the sound his voice makes when he excited or asking a question he can't believe the answer to. It goes up so high, I think some of the dogs in our neighborhood can hear him.

We got him dressed, and Jeff lifted him onto the bathroom counter to brush his teeth. Biscuit was wearing denim cargo shorts and a red T-shirt with pirate dogs on it. He glanced over his shoulder and started giggling.

"Hold still so I can't brush your teeth," Jeff said.

"But Dad," Biscuit said. "I have pirate dogs on my back. They're supposed to be on my front, but they're on my back." 

Here's Biscuit with his pirate dogs on his back:

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