Sorry if you're tired of reading "Out of the mouth of my babe" posts, but dude has been saying some fun stuff lately!
A few things Biscuit has been saying:
Grandparents: Biscuit and I were on the way to day care, and out of nowhere, he started talking about my parents.
"Mom, um, Grandmama is my abuela," Biscuit said. "Abeula" is Spanish for grandmother.
"Yes, she is," I said. "And what is Papa?"
He shrugged his shoulders with his hands out and said, "Papa is just Papa," Biscuit said.
"Isn't Papa your abuelo?" I asked him.
"No, Mom," Biscuit said, laughing. "He's just Papa. And Grandmama and Papa are married. And they love each other."
Lego creation: Biscuit had built some odd-looking little contraption out of his Lego blocks. With his creation in his hand, he came running over to me all excited.
"Mom, this is my flying Batman-bo-beel (translation: flying Batman-Mobile). It has wheels and wings and two Batmans. It will fly, and it will roll. It's cooooool, Mom."
I could tell he was really proud, so I made an appropriate fuss. Although I must say, I think for the time being that Biscuit is an abstract artist. I couldn't really make out anything remotely resembling a Batmobile. But hey, if it makes him proud, who am I to question it?
Reasoning skills: Jeff and I are amazed sometimes at explanations and situations Biscuit comes up with. He's really good at taking things he's learned and applying them to other situations. The other night, he came up with a pretty logical solution to getting his fire chief and his car out of a ditch.
"Mom, the fire chief's car is stuck in a ditch," Biscuit said. "I'm
going to call Mater to come from his home in Radiator Springs to pull the
chief car out of the ditch. 'Cause Mater is a tow truck, and that's what tow trucks do." Mater, aka Tow-mater, is from the movie "Cars."
"What will you do if Mater can't get him out?" I asked.
"Um, if that doesn't work, I'll call the pumper
fire truck to come out and spray lots of water in the ditch," Biscuit said. "Then, when
the ditch is full of water, the chief car will float right out."
There are some grownups who couldn't reach that logic, so we were pretty impressed with our boy.