Saturday, January 19, 2013

Words and meanings

Biscuit is good with words, and he's getting even better.

Now, he is starting to understand when words have more than one meaning.

The other day, he said to me, "Mom, there's lots of meanings for 'right.'"

"Really?" I asked. "Tell me."

"Well," he said, then paused for a second. "When you are telling somebody where to go and you say 'right', that tells them which direction to go. Then you can tell somebody they knew the answer when you say they were 'right.' Then when you want to make letters, you 'write' them."

"That's really good," I said.

But on some things, he's still a little cloudy.

We were on the way to dinner tonight, and I asked Biscuit what he wanted to eat.

"Um, I want chicken tenders and french fries," Biscuit said.

"I was thinking we could go have some lizard tail hamburgers," I told Biscuit.

"Eeeeeewwwww!" Biscuit said. "You can't eat lizards! Mom! You don't eat animals."

"What about chickens?" I asked him.

Then his tone changed like he was speaking to a complete idiot. "Mom, there are chickens that are animals, and there's chicken that you eat."

"Where does chicken come from?" I asked him.

"It's not the kind of chicken on a farm," he said. "It's the kind of chicken you eat."

So even though Biscuit is good with words, there are some concepts we still need to work on.

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