Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Out of the mouth of my babe

I know I just did an "out of the mouth of my babe" post yesterday, but little man said two things tonight that I just had to share.

Wouldn't it be lovely? I've always loved the word "lovely." The only problem is that I feel pretentious when I say it.

Jeff's Grandma used the word "lovely" quite often. But she was an older lady who had doilies on her end tables. The word fit when she said it.

So I thought it was really funny tonight when I told Biscuit that we were having spaghetti and meatballs, and I made some garlic bread to go with it.

He replied, "Mom, it's lovely when you have bread with spaghetti and meatballs."

My 4-year-old son was suddenly inhabited by the spirit of somebody's sweet grandma.

Pesky pests: We spend a good bit of time trying to keep ants out of our house. Their favorite spot to show up is our downstairs half-bath. It's one room away from the kitchen, where you'd think they'd show up, but nope, they like the bathroom.

Biscuit was going in there tonight to take care of business.

With his pants around his ankles, Biscuit waddled into the hallway and said, "ANTS! There are ants on the floor."

I JUST mopped that floor a couple of days ago, so I was more than a little peeved. I went in, grabbed a wad of toilet tissue and started squishing the ants. I killed maybe eight of them.

"What's going on in there?" Jeff hollered.

"The ANTS!" Biscuit said. "The ants are trying to KILL ME!"

So I guess that means by squishing those ants, I saved Biscuit's life. I'm a hero.

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