Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Sick, sick, sick

Jeff and I are sick, sick, sick. The only saving grace is that Biscuit seems to be unaffected so far. And I hope it stays that way.

We had a work Christmas party at someone's house Sunday, and everyone who went to the part has a nasty virus. From what I hear, the newsroom was pretty empty today. It's scary how many people could get a virus, just by being in the same place. And it wasn't the food, either. All I had was a cupcake, and Jeff didn't have one. So with no food items in common, I'm guessing it's a bug someone was carrying.

Jeff and I haven't seen each other a lot today. We've been sleeping in shifts to keep an eye on Biscuit. These times are when I miss living close to my Mama, like my brother does.

I threw up all night, but since Jeff is not a thrower-upper, he's had other issues.

We compared symptoms a few minutes ago and are pretty well matched up (except for the throwing up).

We have chills, fever, gastrointestinal issues, headache, extreme body aches and overall whiny-ness. I don't think the whiny-ness can be counted as an official symptom, but we both have it!

Biscuit has been so good. We kept him home today, mainly because neither Jeff nor I could stay out of the bathroom long enough to get him ready and take him to day care.

Biscuit has watched TV nonstop today, but I'm okay with that. He's been in a great mood, which has been really nice. I told him I didn't want him to get near Jeff and me, so he walks a comically wide circumference around us. 

I told Biscuit this morning that I wanted him to use the upstairs bathroom today. And I am SO glad we have three. I claimed the baseball bathroom, and Jeff has been in our master bathroom.

Well, that's enough sickly description, and I need to lie back down, so send healing thoughts our way!

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