Sunday, February 16, 2014

Holidays are hard

We had a big snow Wednesday (well, it's big for us), and it threw off all our schedules. Jeff and I worked from home Thursday, and day care was closed. (Snow pictures to come.)

Biscuit's day care had planned to have a Valentine's Day party Friday, and Biscuit said he wanted superhero cards. I asked if he wanted store-bought cards or if he wanted me to make some on the computer. And as I suspected he would, he said he would like for me to make them like I make his birthday invitations - on the computer.

This is the Spider-Man version, and there was an Iron Man version, too.

I planned to print them on my lunch break Wednesday, but I forgot to take my flash drive with me. And it was snowing so hard on the way home, that I couldn't go by the printer.

Then Thursday, we weren't able to get out of our neighborhood. So of course, my main thought was about Biscuit's valentines.

Biscuit's day care was delayed until 10:30 a.m. Friday, so Jeff said, "Doesn't the printer open early?"

"Yes," I said, "but let me call to make sure they're open." But they were not.

We have a drugstore about a mile from our house, so we called to make sure they were open, and Jeff got dressed and headed out. He had quite a time getting out of our neighborhood, but once he hit the main road, it was a lot easier. They had sent plows through Thursday evening.

Jeff got to the drugstore and called me. "They have one Spider-Man Card and Pop Kit left. Should we get it?" 

Sadly, I said, "Yes, bring it home."

So I quickly filled in all the To: and From: information, and Biscuit picked out stickers to put on the back of each one. We punched out the perforated holes and inserted the heart-shaped "pops" into each card. And I was pouting.

We all road together Friday since the roads were still not completely clear. When we got to day care, I walked Biscuit in. I let his teacher know that Biscuit's valentines were in a bag on top of his cubby.

"Oh, we decided to postpone the Valentine's Day parties until Monday," the teacher said.


I got back in the car in a huff.

"I could've waited," I told Jeff. "I should've figured that there would be lots of kids still out, so they would want to postpone the parties, but I was so worried about him showing up without any valentines to give out."

I realize now that it was a ridiculous thing to worry about, but I swear, it seemed like a big deal at the time. I didn't want Biscuit to feel left out.

Jeff said I should print the others and let Biscuit give out two sets of valentines.

"Those other little kids will go home to their Moms and say, 'He had TWO valentines to give out and one of them had his PICTURE on it. Why can't I have two valentines and one with my picture on it?'"

I appreciate Jeff using a little cattiness to make me feel better, but I think since the Spider-Man Card and Pop Kit is done, we'll just make our own next year.

Biscuit was practicing piano tonight, and as he finished, he said, "Mom! Guess what?"

"You seem excited," I said. "What's up?"

"Well, I was thinking ...," Biscuit said. "Today is Saturday. And tomorrow is Sunday. And then it'll be Monday. And do you know what Monday is?"

"What?" I asked.

"At day care, we'll have our Happy Thanksgiving party, then after day care will be my piano lesson. Lesson number 3."

"Well, you got the piano lesson number 3 part right, but the holiday is Valentine's Day, not Thanksgiving."

"Oh, yeah," he said. "But that's still a party."

Way to find the silver lining, Biscuit.

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