Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ouf of the mouth of my babe + 1

This always happens. I write a post about the funny things Biscuit is saying, then the very next day, I remember one I didn't include.

Biscuit is very independent these days. He likes to do things his own way and in his own time. (The last part of that tries my patience every now and again.)

Biscuit was in the bathtub this evening, and I scooped up water in his pelican pitcher to get his hair wet.

"No, Mama," he said. "I do it my byself." (instead of by myself)

Lately, we hear "my byself" a lot. Some things we can let him do by himself, and obviously, there are some things we can't. And needless to say, our little man doesn't like it when we say "no."

You know, typing that, I realize that "no" is one of his favorite words, but it's the word he hates most to hear from us. Ah, toddlerhood.

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