Monday, October 14, 2013

Goldilocks in the flesh

"Do you know that older girl that was in the office as we were leaving day care?" I asked Biscuit this evening.

"You mean the girl with the golden hair?" Biscuit asked.

I had a hard time not laughing at "golden hair."

"Yes," I said. "Her. Do you know her name?"

He said he did, and he told me what it was.

"What's she like?" I asked Biscuit. "Do you like her?"

The reason I asked, and of course I would never tell Biscuit this, is that the girl with the golden hair has a mother who has never been particularly nice to me. I smile and speak to all the other parents. I figure we're all in the same boat, and some days, you just need someone to recognize you as a person and not as Sally or John's Mom. I don't think this woman's attitude is reserved just for me. I've seen her be like that with other parents, too.

Anyway, Biscuit's teacher was in the office, and I stopped to chat with her about how Biscuit has been doing. He's had a bit of a gumption problem at day care for the past month, and we're finally getting a handle on it (more on that later).

So the golden-haired girl's mom came in and completely interrupted the conversation Biscuit's teacher and I were having.

"I hope you know she has better clothes than this," the mom said, gesturing toward her daughter.

"She looks fine," Biscuit's teacher said.

"Did her father dress her?" I said laughing, thinking about some of the combinations of clothing Jeff has put on our boy.

Without even looking in my direction, she said, "Her father graduated from an art school as a fashion designer. There's no excuse for this." And again, she motioned to her daughter.

Rude to me. Condescending to the teacher. Critical of her daughter. Based on that encounter, I've decided that I do not like this woman.

I wonder how her comments made her daughter feel.

But let's get back to Biscuit.

I had asked Biscuit if he liked the golden-haired girl.

"Mom, she can be nice, but sometimes I think she's frustrated by me," Biscuit said.

Again, I tried not to laugh.

"Well, everybody has a bad day every once in a while," I said.

It was a completely lame response on my part, but I had no idea what else to say. Biscuit is truly one of the few people who can leave me speechless.

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