Sunday, April 14, 2013

Out of the mouth of my babe

A few things Biscuit has said recently:

Good, better, best: Biscuit has been using a lot of comparison words lately, but sometimes he doesn't get them quite right.

We were playing cowboys and rodeo the other day, and Biscuit said his cowboys had to go round up the bucking broncos and the bulls. He doesn't have any toy bulls, so he grabbed a couple of his horses and said we would pretend they were bulls.

"Mom, look at this one," Biscuit said. "It's the muchest bull you've ever seen."

He's also said:
  • "Mom, this is the goodest pizza ever."
  • "Mom, you're the bestest cooker ever."

His fortune said: We had Chinese food tonight, and Biscuit was excited about seeing what his fortune said.

Jeff read it to him. It said, "Keep your feet on the ground even though friends flatter you."

Then Jeff said, "Go tell Mama what your fortune said."

So Biscuit came running into the living room and said, "Mommy, guess what my fortune said? It said 'Keep your feet on the ground or your friends will splatter you.'"

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