Sunday, December 9, 2012

Rough times

Things at our house have not been easy over the past month or so.

Work stuff, house stuff, car stuff, illness (minor ails, thankfully) and other assorted woes have brought about moments of stress, sadness, anger, worry and other emotions that are no fun to deal with.

We've been trying to look for ways to add some fun family time in the cracks and crevices of spare time we can find. And by some stroke of luck, we ended up having absolutely nothing scheduled for yesterday or today.

That doesn't mean that we haven't had plenty to do. We've had all the usual laundry, cleaning and errand things to do. But we also fit in decorating for Christmas, lots of book reading, naps and play time.

Biscuit's doctor told us that the four shots he got could cause some fatigue and cold-like symptoms over the weekend. And he was right. Biscuit took 3-hour naps yesterday and today, and he's just been lethargic the whole weekend.

So we fit our weekend around how he was feeling. And in turn, it caused Jeff and me to relax a little, too.

Jeff watched two of his favorite Christmas movies and played some card games on the computer.

And I colored.

I've always loved coloring books and crayons, and even as an adult, I find it relaxing to sit down and color. So when I was doing some shopping at a local craft store a while back and saw what I like to call a "big-girl" coloring book, I grabbed one. I traded in my crayons for colored pencils, and I've been scribbling for a few minutes here and there.

The patterns in my big-girl coloring book are pretty repetitive, so other than having to decide which colors to use, the whole process is pretty mindless.

Here are a couple I've done lately:

Biscuit gets a kick out of me doing it and always wants to see the finished product. He loves to comment on them, such as "red is our favorite color" or "that part looks like flowers."

Jeff and I talked this afternoon, and we're going to keep working hard to keep spirits up at our house this holiday season. It's important for Biscuit, and I think it will be good for Jeff and me, too.

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