Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Bad Dad

A post from The Daddy Man:

Daddy did a bad, bad thing.

When we talked with Biscuit about going to a new day care, one of the things Kimmy asked him was whether he'd rather the kids call him Griffin or Biscuit.

"Um, I think I want them to call me Griffin," he said.

Then I screwed it up for him. I called him Biscuit at day care in front of the other kids before I even thought about it.

Kimmy took Biscuit to day care this morning, and as they were walking toward Biscuit's class, the whole pre-K class looked up and yelled, pretty much in unison, "HEY, BISCUIT!"


I felt bad when Kimmy told me about it, especially with it being only his third day at the new day care. 

He says he likes it when people call him Biscuit -- "That's my nickname, like your nickname is 'Dad'" -- and he knows that we talk about Biscuit when we write on the computer. But if it's not what the boy wants to be called at day care, I should've been more careful.

Kimmy and I talked to him about it tonight and quickly realized our worry was for naught.

"I like it when people call me Griffin AND Biscuit," he said. "It's okay if the kids at day care call me either one."

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