Monday, February 11, 2013

The weather man

Jeff and Biscuit were in our bedroom the other night surfing the TV channels. Jeff saw the weather report coming on, so he stopped to see what it was going to be like for the next day.

After a story about the bad snow storm that was heading through the Northeast, they showed footage of a tornado that went through Mississippi.

There is absolutely nothing funny about such a terrible tragedy, but Jeff and I had to laugh when Biscuit started talking about the "TURNado" instead of the "TORNado."

"Dad, where is Mississippi?" Biscuit asked.

"Mississippi is far away from where we are," Jeff said.

"So it's in a different land?" Biscuit asked.

"Yes," Jeff said. "It's in a different land."

Once Jeff told him that, Biscuit seemed satisfied with the answer he got. We assumed that he had forgotten about it, but then on the way to day care this morning, it was raining, and that set Biscuit off on a monologue about weather.

"It's raining here," Biscuit said, "but it's snowing some other places. I'd like to build a snowman in the snow ... not a big snowman, but a medium snowman like me. And some places have turnadoes."

"What's a tornado?" Jeff asked him.

Biscuit explained, "Turnadoes turn in circles. And they suck everything up inside them."

Jeff said he didn't seem at all scared, just fascinated.

Maybe our firefighter will be an amateur meteorologist.

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