Saturday, March 10, 2012

Look at that cute baby

For a couple of years now, I've been trying to get Biscuit to understand that his Dad goes to basketball games for work. No matter how I try, the boy just doesn't get it.

"Mom, where's Dad?" he'll ask.

"Dad is at the basketball game," I'll say.

"No, Mom! Dad is at work," Biscuit will say.

"Basketball IS work," I'll respond.

But no matter how many times we've had this conversation, it always comes back to me saying Jeff is at a basketball game, and Biscuit saying he's at work.

Same goes for seeing Jeff on TV. A couple of the colleges he covers have the press table down the side of the basketball court. So depending on the camera angle, we can sometimes see Jeff on TV. But Biscuit doesn't believe it's really Jeff, even though he sees him sitting there.

My parents are in town to keep Biscuit and me company while Jeff is out of town at a tournament. (Is basketball season EVER going to be over?!?) I wanted to show them a project I did recently, so I put a DVD in the player. Just as the index came up, Biscuit walked into the room. I recently put a bunch of Biscuit videos on a DVD, including him eating baby food for the first time, learning to stand, just getting started with walking and lots of other fun and cute moments.

My parents and I were laughing at all the noises and faces Biscuit was making. But Biscuit just kept staring at the screen.

"Mom, that baby is cute," Biscuit said. "He's a cute baby."

"That's you," I told him. "That's you when you were a little tiny baby."

Biscuit kept asking questions. "Why is that baby laughing?" "Why did he do that?" "What is that baby trying to say?"

But just like he doesn't get seeing Jeff on TV, he didn't understand seeing himself on TV, either. Biscuit kept saying "he" when he was talking about the baby on TV. He never quite put it together that the baby was him.

There are so many things Biscuit has learned since he got here. Many of those things have been pretty easy to teach him. Or at least they've been easy enough to explain that he was able to understand them right away. But there are so many concept-type things that you can't really teach. They just come with experience and time.

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