Sunday, January 22, 2012


Jeff was giving Biscuit a bath tonight when I suddenly heard a commotion. Then Biscuit said, "You're not my friend anymore, Dad."

When I asked Jeff what happened, he said that Biscuit asked if he could play in the tub for a while before Jeff washed him. Jeff said that was fine, then he grabbed a book to read while Biscuit played.

We keep a basket of little-kid washcloths next to the tub where we bathe Biscuit. Every once in a while, Biscuit will help himself to one, which is what he did tonight. He got the washcloth wet and was throwing it against the back wall of the tub. He said it was a "mudball."

Jeff said he saw him out of the corner of his eye, but Biscuit wasn't making too much splash, so he didn't protest. As Jeff was reading, he said the mudballs were going, "WHACK! WHACK! WHACK!"

Jeff glanced back up again when he saw a flash of white out of the corner of his eye. The first mudball was blue, but the mudball Biscuit was throwing at that moment was white.

Jeff started to count and realized there were eight mudballs. Eight mudballs made from all eight washcloths we had in the basket by the tub.

Jeff took all the washcloth mudballs away. That's when the "you're not my friend" comment came in. Biscuit was mad because since he had messed up all the washcloths, he didn't have one to wipe his face.

After the bath, Jeff and Biscuit snuggled up on our bed and watched TV. I guess that means they're friends again.

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