Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Happy boy

You want to know what it takes to make my son happy?

Apparently, all it takes is a toy horse. A hand-me-down toy horse, even.

A friend of mine at work helped her daughter clean out some toys she's outgrown, and knowing how much Biscuit loves horses, this lovely member of the equine family came to live at our house.

Biscuit asked where it came from, and I told him a lady at my work sent it to him. I told him the woman's name, and he thought I was telling him the horse's name. So now, I have a friend at work and a horse at home with the same name.

"This is my new horse. She likes to run."

"This is how I would ride her."

"She jumps reawy high."

"My horse, she say, 'Naaaaaaay!'"

He hasn't put it down since I gave it to him.

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