Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Cowboy Biscuit

When I was a kid, I remember all the little boys having cowboy boots. Most of them were black with white, swirly stitching. So when Biscuit got on his horse and cowboy kick, I thought it might be fun to get him some boots.

It sounds like a simple-enough idea, but it was way harder than I thought it would be. Most of the boots I found were real-live Western boots ... as in leather with leather inlay and leather soles. They cost about $50 to $70 a pair. Um, no thanks.

The other boots I found were covered in cartoon characters. And I wasn't interested in those, either. A respectable cowboy can't be walking around with cartoon race cars on his boots!

The closest thing I could find to plain ol' cowboy boots was a pair that looked like brown Western boots on the bottom with thick camo fabric on top. They're not exactly what I was looking for, but when he's wearing them, his pants cover up the camo part and they look like regular boots. They were also in my price range, another important feature.

When I took them out of the packaging, Biscuit went crazy. He was wearing his pajamas at the time, but it didn't matter. He wanted his boots on RIGHT THEN! There he was, clomping around the house in pajamas with monkeys all over them and brand-new cowboy boots.

I should've gotten the video camera out to record him learning to walk in them, but I couldn't stop laughing long enough. He was taking really long strides and sort of leaning back a bit. Remember the "keep on truckin'" guy from the 70s? He looked sort of like that.

Anyway, he hasn't had a chance to wear them out and about, but he asks to put them on at home so he can stomp around.

Here's Cowboy Biscuit striking a pose in his new boots.


Diane said...

Cool. Love the haircut too.

Her Hollyness said...

Dude, not only Cowboy Biscuit, but grown-up new haircut Biscuit, too! He looks about 12 years old!