Thursday, October 27, 2011

Almost ready

Biscuit is a wee bit excited about Halloween. 

And when I say "wee bit," I actually mean that he is so excited that he is driving us NUTS!

"Is it ready yet, Mom? Is it ready?" Biscuit keeps asking me about his costume.
"Almost," I keep telling him. "Almost." 

He's going to be a firefighter. Not a fireMAN. A fireFIGHTER. If you dare to call him a fireMAN, well then, you're just wrong.

He said to me earlier, "I'm almost ready to be a firefighter, Mom. And then I can save the day!"

Some people have asked me why I'm making a costume I could buy. And for those people I have three reasons:

  1. Making this costume has been cheaper than if I had bought it, especially seeing as most of the pieces of it can be used again.
  2. My Mama always made our costumes. She always said making them yourself makes them individual and special. Anybody can buy a costume.
  3. Biscuit got the fire chief hat about a month ago. He was so excited. He got his boots tonight. Again, so excited. I showed him his in-progress outfit. Third time, so excited. Eventually, he'll understand that having to wait a little while builds anticipation and in the end, appreciation.
Anyway, here's what I've done so far:

His firefighter coat is actually going to be a T-shirt since he will be wearing it all day.

Firefighter badge made from a make-your-own button kit.

Firefighter pants made with sweatpants and tape.

 I'll post some pictures of his complete ensemble tomorrow evening.

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