Wednesday, August 11, 2010

When Mama's away ...

When Mama's away, the boys will play. This is what I found out when I called home from my girls' lake weekend.

Friday night, Jeff and Biscuit stayed home and watched "Adam-12" DVDs. They had PB&J sandwiches for dinner.

Saturday afternoon, they went to a car show, then had pizza and bread sticks for dinner.

Sunday afternoon, Biscuit and Jeff went with one of Jeff's friends and his son to a minor league ballgame where Biscuit ate french fries from a cup with ketchup, of course. (Between my mother-in-law and my brother, Biscuit has mastered the art of dipping ... chicken nuggets in honey mustard, fries in ketchup, even hush puppies in BBQ sauce.)

Biscuit wore a borrowed hat until the sun went o
ver the back of the stadium.

After the game, Jeff a
nd Biscuit went to the gift shop, and Jeff bought Biscuit his own Hoppers baseball cap. And to say Biscuit liked it is an understatement.

When Jeff brought Biscuit home from day care Monday, Biscuit was wearing the hat. When Jeff changed Biscuit into pajamas that evening, Biscuit came right back into the livin
g room and grabbed his hat.

Jeff teases me because I wear my hats down close to my eyes in the front. He always says, "You're rockin' that hat low, aren't you, babycakes?"

I guess I passed that along to Biscuit. He rocks his hat low, too. So low that he makes his ears stick out.

We keep trying to adjust it on his head so it won't crimp his ears down, but he'll just reach up and pull it right back where he wants it.

Oh yeah, and when my boys weren't out and about, they were partying in the bathroom. Check this out:


Unknown said...

He's his father's son, too. I see in that baseball game photo, he has a car in each hand!


Her Hollyness said...

dude, that look on his face is so gangsta! haha! he's beautiful!

and we're very proud -- and glad -- you stayed the whole weekend at the lake. (: