Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Mama time

I spent this past weekend with three girlfriends in a rented lake house. I went Friday evening after work and didn't return home until Monday evening.

Surprised? Yeah, me, too.

But look at the view. Yo
u would've stayed all that time, too!

When we were planning th
e trip, I wasn't sure how long I'd be able to stay. Part of that was because with kids, you never know. But also, I just didn't know if I could stay away that long. I've never been away from Biscuit that long.

There were several times throughout the weekend that I was tempted to pack up and come home. But every time that happened, I got out my laptop and looked at pictures and videos of Biscuit. I just kept telling myself that the trip was good for me (time for me to rest and recharge), good for Biscuit (to sp
end some time away from me) and good for Jeff (so he can see what it's like for me during basketball season!).

We carried lots of junk food, celebrity magazines, romance books and slouchy clothes. The other ladies spent some time in the water, but I made it as far as the floating dock at the end of the pier, and that was far enough for me!

I talked to my boys on the phone a few times, and
I think they missed me. But not too much. They found plenty to do (see the next post).

When I got back Monday afternoon, I started the laundry and made a nice meal for dinner. Because Biscuit had junk food all weekend, he wanted nothing to do with the meat and veggies I set before him. So he pitched a fit at the dinner table.

Then as I was trying to get the table cleared and get my bags unpacked, it seemed like Jeff was in my way no matter which direction I turned. I had to go into our bedroom for a few minutes to regroup.

I had the whole weekend of worrying about nothing. I ate when I was hungry, not because the schedule said it was time. I slept when I was sleepy, not because I knew the alarm was going off in a few hours. I read more than a chapter at a time in my book. I sat on the deck just staring up into the trees. Basically, I had no responsibilities.

But then I had to step
back into reality. And it was harder than I thought it would be. I was thinking about getting hugs and kisses, reading kid books and sitting at the dinner table together, but I wasn't prepared for the boys being in my way, nobody wanting the dinner I made and Biscuit having a bad day.

But I folded some laundry, went through some mail and put my cosmetics back in the bathroom, and then I got my groove back.

I missed my boys terribly while I was gone, but I also learned that a little time for Mama every now and then is certainly not a bad thing.

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