Monday, August 2, 2010

We be illin'

There are many things I love about our day care.

The multitude of random illnesses my sweet Biscuit baby brings home isn't one of them.

Colds and stomach bugs have plagued our house since he started, and from what I hear, this is a pretty common scenario. The funny thing is that the teachers and workers wash their hands. They wash the kids' hands. And they have all these safety measures in place.

But there's only so much you can do to ward off snotty-nosed, runny-butted little munchkins.

And thanks to those snotty-nosed, runny-butted little munchkins, I had to stay home from work today, and Biscuit has had massive, and I mean MASSIVE!!!! diaper issues. Just ask Jeff, he had to put our comforter, his clothes and Biscuit's clothes in the washing machine about an hour ago.

Hopefully, everything will come out in the wash. And after all, tomorrow is another day.

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