Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Mind your manners

Our Biscuit baby is working hard on his manners. And we're very proud of him. Manners are important to both Jeff and me. We both had them drilled into us when we were kids, and we want to continue that tradition.

So far, we've worked on saying "please," "thank you," "you're welcome" and "bless you" (for sneezes).

Biscuit brings books to us and says, "Read book, please." Okay, actually, he says "Ree book, peas." But still, "please" is the important part.

When he's finished eating, Biscuit will say, "Down, please," for us to take him out of his high chair.

He also says, "Bite, please," when he wants some of whatever we have. That one is probably the most common of his mannerly phrases.

Biscuit struggles a little with "thank you" and "you're welcome." When we give him something, we'll say, "Say 'thank you.'" To which he usually says, "You're welcome." Or actually, "You wellwa."

He does say "thank you" when someone blesses his sneezes, though, and "bless you" when someone else sneezes. Jeff sneezed this morning, and here was the conversation:

Jeff: (sneezes)
Biscuit: Bless you, Dada.
Jeff: Thank you, Biscuit.
Biscuit: You wellwa.

Emily Post would be proud.

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