Monday, August 16, 2010

Sick but still funny

I had to take Biscuit to the doctor this evening at 6:40. Our appointment was at 6:40. I didn't even know doctors' offices stayed open that late.

Biscuit is okay. He has a sinus infection. Nothing 10 days of antibiotics won't take care of.

But he was so pitiful today. I was trying to work from home, but he just wanted to be in close contact at all times. It's hard to edit stories with a little one lying diagonally across your chest.

When we got to the doctor's office, we were the only people in the waiting room, and Biscuit decided that he needed to touch every chair in the place. There are probably 30 chairs in the waiting room, and he touched each one and said, "Chair" every time.

Then when the nurse came out and called Biscuit's name, he looked at her, put his hand on his chest and said, "Me." Yep, she's talking to you, Biscuit.

He stood on the big-boy scales ... 23 pounds. Then she took his temperature in his ear. "Good job," the nurse said. "Thank you," Biscuit said.

It seemed to take forever for the doctor to come in. We read several books, we named all the animals in the pictures on the walls. They had a wall chart to measure the kids' heights. It had cute monkeys on it that were holding flowers and bananas. I called Biscuit over to show it to him.

"Look at the monkeys, Biscuit. This one is holding a banana," I said to him.

"Niiiiice," he said. My little man still has his mojo, even when he's sick.

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