Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Sweet thank yous

I went to Biscuit's school a couple of weeks ago for Career Day. I didn't really talk about newspapers as much as writing, editing and having a wide range of knowledge.

I hit a home run with the teachers when I said to the kids, "Raise your hand if you've ever written an answer for a guided reading question then put it in your folder without reading what you wrote."

When most of the kids started to look sheepish, I asked them how they would feel if they saw their names in a newspaper or book or on a website. They didn't like that, so I told them that was why it was important to be your own editor and that they should always read what they write. Almost every teacher smiled and/or nodded when I said that.

Yesterday, I was putting a permission slip in Biscuit's homework folder, and I saw an envelope with my name on it. It was full of hand-drawn thank you cards from the kids I spoke to for Career Day.

Here are some of my favorites:

I made the front page!

I love her honesty. And the fact that she proved herself true by misspelling editing and using the wrong "too."

I also got a rose that will never die.

I'm not sure why she added the snowman, especially since they made these cards this past week. But hey, she likes my ideas and my thinking! Even though she did call me Mrs. Milis.

I think this is supposed to be someone reading the paper at a desk, but it looks like someone reading the paper in bed. And I'm not sure who's knocking on the door.

I work at a noospaper.

This one was my favorite. What more could anyone ask of you than for you to do your things?

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