Friday, August 26, 2011

Semi-private room

So there I was, sitting in the bathroom.

With no knock or anything, Biscuit comes busting through the door, holding a bag of chips.

"I have chips, Mom?" he asked. "We open the bag?"

"Biscuit, you can't come in the bathroom when I have the door closed," I said to him. "Mama needs to go to the bathroom by herself."

"Okay," Biscuit said as he closed the door.

Maybe 5 seconds later, the door flew open again.

"How 'bout now, Mom?" Biscuit said. "We have chips now?"

"Biscuit! Close the door!" I said to him.

"I can't come in the bathroom, Mom?" Biscuit asked.

"No. I'll be out in just a minute. THEN we can have chips," I said to him.

It seems like only yesterday that I still had my privacy. Clearly, those days are gone.

1 comment:

Her Hollyness said...

I love your son, but this is reason no. 8,412 for me!