Sunday, July 31, 2011

All through the night

Nary a peep. That's what we heard from Biscuit last night in his big boy bed.

Well, I take that back. At 7 a.m., I heard him over the monitor saying, "No. I don't want THAT one. THIS one." I'd love to know what he was dreaming about.

We tucked him in last night and put a baby gate in his door. With his room being upstairs and ours downstairs, we didn't want to run the risk of him using his new-found freedom of getting out of his bed as a chance to hurl himself down the stairs!

He didn't look too sur
e about the whole bed situation when we tucked him in last night.

I went up to check on him when I wok
e up this morning. It brought tears to my eyes to see that baby in a real bed. I'm guessing it'll be like that with many things to come, that I'll have a harder time than he does.

Biscuit did a great job, and I think a big fuss is in order. This calls for pancakes!

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