Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Terrible twos

So I've heard it both ways. Some moms have told me that their kids sailed through their twos with no problems. Others have said they were ready to box up their toddlers and ship them to China!

So I wonder where Biscuit will land?

He's really a sweet kid. He's pretty laid back about most things. Keep his belly from getting empty. Make sure he has a car or a ball in his hand. And when his mouth hurts from teething, give him baby Tylenol and back away slowly!

But sometimes ... sometimes ...

Let's just leave that sentence unfinished!

The biggest thing we're working on right now is sharing. He's the only kid in our house, so he has all his toys all to himself. That's not the case at day care. So the teachers suggested that Jeff and I play with Biscuit's toys (we sure do hate that part), and when he comes to get them from us, we tell him that Mama and Dada are playing with the toys right now and that he can have them when we're done. Needless to say, he doesn't like this particular exercise. But I can see some improvement, so it's worth it.

Yesterday morning, when I dropped Biscuit off at day care, we were getting out of the car and a truck with a loud muffler zoomed down the street. Biscuit jumped, spun around and walked right into the car door. He didn't hit it hard, but it was hard enough that he staggered back a couple of steps.

I was concerned that he was hurt, but before I could even check his head, he pointed his little finger up at me and said, "NOT NICE, MAMA! Hut head!" (hurt head)

"I didn't do anything," I whined back at him. "YOU'RE the one who walked into the door."

Then it occurred to me, I'm arguing with an almost 2-year-old. I'm trying to use logic, and he doesn't even know what logic IS!

Anyway, I'm not sure how Biscuit's twos will be. I guess we'll see starting next week!

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