Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Mama lessons

I hadn't really thought about this until last week, but I'm starting to understand the protective mother thing.

Of course, I want to take care of Biscuit. Feed him as well as I can. Dress him in weather-appropriate clothing. Give him lots of love. Help him learn new things. All the things that Mamas are supposed to do.

But there are some other things that have happened that I didn't expect.

Example No. 1? I killed a spider last week WITH MY BARE HAND!!!! because he was about to get on Biscuit. I'm not horribly afraid of spiders, but even so, I squished that sucker all over the palm of my hand to keep it from possibly hurting my boy.

But sometimes you don't get to squish the offending pest.

Last week as I was dropping Biscuit off at day care, this little red-headed kid named Luke came running over. I assumed he was coming to say hello, so I set Biscuit down in front of the little boy. Biscuit leaned over to pick up a ball, and as he stood back up, the little red-headed kid smacked the ball out of Biscuit's hands. HARD!

I was immediately taken aback, but I just stood there to see how Biscuit wanted to handle the situation. He said, "No. No. Ball." to the little boy and stooped over to pick the ball back up. Before Biscuit could stand upright, the little red-headed kid slammed a hard plastic car over Biscuit's head. I heard it pop, so I know it had to hurt.

I immediately snatched Biscuit up and held him close, telling him everything was okay. But I tell you what, I was ready to drop-kick that little red-headed kid through the wall. I was mad!

The teachers handled the situation very appropriately. I was completely satisfied as one of the teachers took the little boy out of the room and another teacher came over to dote on Biscuit.

I told the teacher that I probably shouldn't admit to it, but I was mad at that little kid. She said, "You have every right to be mad. He hit Biscuit for no reason whatsoever." And of course, that made me feel better for being mad at that little kid.

I think the hardest thing about being a Mama is that I won't always be able to take care of situations for my boy. I guess the best I can do is try to teach him right from wrong and hope he makes good decisions for himself.

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