Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Playing in the pool

I know, I know. It's been too long! But Biscuit is at his grandparents' house, and Jeff and I have been trying to take advantage of our free time. We've seen two movies already, and we're going on a short road trip tomorrow.

But I do have more vacation tales to tell.

Biscuit is going to a summer day camp at the local YMCA. The get pool time four days a week, and Biscuit has really grown to love the water.

He told Jeff and me that he had been putting his head under the water. And with my fear of water, believe it or not, I couldn't be happier. I feel like I missed out on a lot by not being able to swim. Many people say to me, "You should take swimming lessons." But it's not that easy. I've tried to take lessons, and I've never been able to make it through.

So I really want Biscuit to be able to swim and enjoy the water.

When we got to our hotel on the way to Jeff's parents' house, I noticed a sign that said they had an indoor pool. We already had plans to take Biscuit to the movies, but as we were leaving, I noticed that the pool didn't close until 11 p.m. 

So when we got back from the movie, we took the elevator up to our room on the fourth floor. We opened the door, and I went straight to our suitcase and grabbed Biscuit's bathing suit.

"Here!" I said and threw it at him.

"What's this for, Mom?" Biscuit asked.

"You wanna go swimming?" I asked. "The pool is still open."

"For real?" Biscuit asked. "Seriously?"

"Yep. Get dressed," I told him.

Jeff and I walked down to the pool. And Biscuit ... he skipped. He was so excited.

The whole end of the pool was shallow enough for Biscuit.

Biscuit strikes a karate pose from a movie he's never seen!

Biscuit was having fun just splashing and playing around, then he said, "Mom, can you take a video of me?"

"Sure," I said. And got my phone out of my pocket.

I had no idea what I was going to see, and I was excited to see him making some pretty good progress toward swimming.

I'm betting that before he goes back to school, he'll have it down!

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