Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Two-year-old class

Biscuit has only been in the 2-year-old class for a few weeks now, but we have really noticed his progress. I don't know if it's the teachers, the curriculum, the other kids in the class or just that our baby is an incredible genius (I vote for this one!), but he's really turning into his own little person.

The other morning, Jeff and Biscuit were having breakfast. Jeff had put one of Biscuit's CDs in as their dining music. I walked into the kitchen to find Jeff doing some kind of funny little dance, while Biscuit chanted, "Go Dada. Go Dada. Go Dada." After asking one of his teachers, I found out that's how they encourage the kids when they have dance time at day care. But he seems to be remembering that stuff enough now to come home and share it with us.

He's also getting into routines. When I get him from his crib every morning, I ask, "Did you sleep well?" He used to just say, "Yeah, Mama." Lately, he says, "Yeah, Mama. I seep well." And if I forget to ask, now, he volunteers the information on his own. "I seep well, Mom. I seep well."

Jeff usually gives Biscuit his bath after dinner. As he's taking Biscuit out of the bathtub, lately, Biscuit has been saying, "Brush teeth, Dad? Brush teeth?" He also has to have the same couple of toys in the tub with him (even though he has about 10). Biscuit also expects the same routine for post-bath. He and Jeff make all kind of weird noises at each other, then Biscuit gets a diaper and jammies. They have to talk about whatever critter or vehicle is on the jammies, too.

I need to interrupt this post to tell you about the scene on my couch right now. Jeff and Biscuit are reading "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" and when they got to the part about the white dog, both of them started barking and howling. Here's Biscuit's howl: "Ah ah ah oooooo!" And he says it just like I typed it, as four separate words.

Anyway, back to his progress ... Biscuit is also understanding more lately about emotions. He heard a baby crying in a store the other day and said, "Baby sad, Mom. Baby cying." Or a little boy threw a little tantrum in the store, and when Biscuit saw him, he said, "Boy mad, Mom." He often walks up to me and asks, "Okay, Mom?" To which I have to reply, "I'm okay. Are YOU okay?" Then he says, "I fine."

His self-awareness has also increased. He has told me at different times in the last week that he's hungry and that he's sleepy and ready to go to bed. "Seepy, Mom. Giffin go bed?" I couldn't believe my ears on that one, so I quickly took him upstairs to his crib, where he rolled right over onto his side and closed his eyes. Let's see how long that one lasts! As for the hungry part, he's also been telling us more often what he wants to eat, mainly at dinner time. Sometimes he gets it (pizza, fruit, milk), and sometimes he doesn't (cookies, ice ceam, cackas).

Oh, and I'd just like to say that I do know how to spell. I just try to type Biscuit's quotes the way he says them, i.e. seepy = sleepy, cackas = crackers.

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