Saturday, December 4, 2010

Funny words

Here are a few funny things Biscuit is saying right now:

For words that begin with the letters "sn," he doesn't pronounce the "s." So that wet white stuff we got today isn't "snow," it's "no." He also sees pictures of "nakes" and asks for a "nack."

If he sees an animal and doesn't know what sound it really makes, he assumes it roars. "Biscuit, what does a zebra say?" "ROOOOOOAAAAARRRRR!!!!!"

Motorcycles are "Go-go," so quite logically, bicycle is "bi-go-go."

When he holds his little baseball bat, he says he has a bat. When he holds a ball, he says he has a ball. But when he's holding both at the same time, he says, "Got ballgame, Mom."

As far as his accent goes, it ain't Southern, that's for sure. Well, all except when he says "fire." I turned the gas logs on in the living room, and Biscuit said, "Oooo, far." Nice. Not only does he have a one-word Southern accent. It's even more country-fied than mine!

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