Sunday, July 5, 2009

When did that happen?

Most of the major accomplishments so far in Biscuit's life can be tacked on to a specific, certain date.

He smiled for the first time (a real smile, on purpose) on New Year's Eve. He laughed for the first time on Valentine's Day. (What can I say? The boy likes holidays!)

But I can't tie a date to his latest feat. Biscuit is sitting up on his own now. And he has been for a few weeks.

I'm not sure when it happened. And I feel a little guilty about it. Did I miss it? Was I just so busy that I didn't notice? I asked Jeff about it to see if he knew when it might have happened. But he said he didn't know, either.

We finally decided that his sitting up has been more of a gradual accomplishment. He started out sitting up for a second of two then falling over like a sack of potatoes. And slowly but surely, he's gotten better and better at it, so now he sits up for long periods of time and can usually even right himself if he starts to fall over.

Yesterday evening, he sat in a booster seat at a restaurant for the whole meal. Then today, I was putting clothes in the washing machine, and I asked Jeff if he wanted to throw in the shirt he was wearing. He said, "Sure. Can you hold the boy?" I said, "Um, no. I'm putting clothes in the washer. Just set him down in the floor." He did and was able to get his shirt off and in the washer with no problem. And the boy was still sitting right where he left him.

When did our boy get so independent? We have no idea.

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