Wednesday, January 25, 2017

It's about time

Biscuit is learning how to read an analog clock at school. A lot of kids nowadays can only read digital clocks, so I'm glad they're learning it.

When Biscuit's aunt and uncle asked for a Christmas gift idea, I suggested an analog wristwatch. They got him a cute little watch with a velcro band, so he can put it on all by himself.

He wears it to school every day, except the days he has P.E. He says he's afraid of getting it messed up when they do their exercises and play their games.

He still has to count the numbers, so when Jeff asked him what time it was, he said he'd have to think about it.

So I said, "What does it look like when you're thinking?"

And he struck this pose.

He did answer Jeff, but he had to wait a couple of minutes.

"Dad, the big hand is between 3 and 4, and we haven't learned the in between minutes yet," Biscuit said. So he waited until the big hand got to the 4, then said, "Okay, now it's 7:20."

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