Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Another game in the bag

We got another baseball game done. That's two whole games now!

We have two more Saturday games scheduled and two weekday make-up games. One of those is on the same night as Biscuit's school play, so he'll have to miss it. Even so, I think he will have had enough baseball for a while.

It was fun to watch the kids Saturday. I could definitely see what they've learned. It's like they know what they're supposed to do, but their little bodies just aren't quite up to the task yet.

Like a kid from the other team hit the ball just past the pitcher's mound and started to run to first base. One of our players squatted down to stop the ball, and the ball hit his glove and bounced over it and rolled behind him. He turned around and grabbed the ball, stood up and threw it in the general vicinity of first base. The first baseman made an attempt at catching the ball. It went over his glove and he had to run it down. But as soon as he picked up the ball, he ran back and touched first base with his foot.

That might sound like a big ol' mess, but really, if you picture it, they all did exactly what they were supposed to do. They're really starting to put it all together. And it was really fun to watch. Biscuit still doesn't catch well, so he gets nervous when the ball comes his way in the field, but he's doing really well with his hitting. And if he fields a ground ball, he can get it in the general area of where he wants to throw it.

Biscuit talked to my brother on the phone today, and I enjoyed hearing Biscuit's end of the conversation. It was his version of how the ballgame went down.

"I can hit the ball like crazy," Biscuit said. "One time, when Dad and I were practicing in the backyard, I even hit it so far that it I went into the neighbors yard! Can you believe that? I really think that one day, I'll be as good as Dad."

These will probably look just like the last baseball pictures I posted, but he's just so dang cute in his uniform that I can't help it!

I think we might be investing in a batting helmet. Most of them are so big
that even with their caps underneath, the kids have to hold them on to run.

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