Thursday, October 22, 2009

Musical genius

I’m not at all biased when I say that our Biscuit is a musical genius! He can play two instruments at once while singing his little head off.

I was worried that once he found the guitar and piano in our living room, that we’d have to teach him (as with the TV and DVD player) that those are hands-off items. But the first time he touched the guitar, he was really gentle. He rubbed the slick finish on the body of it. Then he reached up and plucked one string like he knew exactly how to do it.

In his process to get better leverage, he reached up to grab the piano. His fingers just happen to hit right on a couple of notes, and to his surprise, that thing made noise, too!

So he spent about 15 minutes plucking a guitar string, then hitting a piano note, then yelling some kind of sing-songy noise. I’m telling you, we can put some cymbals between the boy’s knees and we’ll have a one-man band!

Here’s the debut of Biscuit, musical talent extraordinaire.

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