Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Limited access

Until recently, Biscuit has had pretty much unlimited access to the kitchen cabinets. I wanted to see how interested he was going to be before I went to the trouble of installing cabinet latches.

Let's just say he was more than a little interested.

For the past week, I've had a thick dish towel threaded through the cabinet handles under the kitchen sink (those cabinets hold cleaners and chemicals) and a pair of cabinets across the room (they hold candles, vases, candleholders and other breakables). The dish towels were working fine, but I knew it was only a matter of time before he figured out how to finagle his way in.

So imagine his surprise when he saw that the dish towels were gone. Then imagine his disappointment when he jerked the door, thinking it would fly right open, only to have his little arm stopped short by a little white latch.

He doesn't like the latches one little bit. He spent a good part of this evening jerking the doors and yelling at them.

You could almost see the lightbulb flash above his little head when he made an about face and headed toward the Tupperware cabinet. I swear, he almost looked panicked. But he jerked on the door, and it popped right open. He turned and faced me, then gave me this huge grin, as if to say, "Okay. As long as I have the Tupperware, we'll all be fine."

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