Sunday, May 31, 2009

Long-distance service

Both sets of Biscuit's grandparents live far away. One set of grandparents live in South Carolina and the other grandparents live in New York. So Jeff and I are always trying to come up with ways to keep them involved in Biscuit's life.

We send pictures (TONS of pictures!), I keep this little blog of stuff that happens, and as I'm figuring out my new video camera, I'll have video records, too. And recently, we've gotten several family members to read books to Biscuit into Jeff's digital voice recorder. I'm going to burn the files onto CDs so when we sit down to read with Biscuit, he can have family members read to him as we turn the pages.

But the funniest thing right now is to see Biscuit "talking" on the phone. He doesn't understand the phone yet, so when we put it up to his ear, the first thing he wants to do is grab it and stick it in his mouth ... of course, that's what he wants to do with EVERYthing right now.

But as soon as he hears a voice on it, he gets really still and really quiet and starts to look around the room. He is really good at recognizing familiar voices, so as soon as he hears his grandmas' voices, he starts looking for them. He hears them, therefore they must be here. He doesn't get why he can hear them but not see them.

But he's not a phonehead yet. After a couple of minutes, he either wants to go back to trying to get the phone in his mouth or he starts pushing the phone away from his head or he starts "talking" back to them.

Guess which of those things the grandmas love the most?!?

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