The morning of Biscuit's birthday, he was excited to find that he was going to have pop-tarts for breakfast. Those are usually a weekend treat, but he got two chocolate pop-tarts with sprinkles, and a candle, of course.
There was a bit of torture, though. I didn't let him open his presents until that evening!
Biscuit decided he wanted to have a sleepover for his birthday this year. So two of his closest friends came over after school on his birthday, which happened to fall on a Friday this year.
We fed them pizza, and I had made little baskets of goodies for them with glow sticks, snacks, cups, flashlights and some other fun little things.
After the pizza, we lit the candles on his cake, sang to him and finally let him open his presents.
The cake looks huge, and it is tall, but even though it has five layers, they're only five inches in diameter. |
I didn't occur to me until the three boys were bouncing off the walls that I gave them chocolate cake with chocolate icing and chocolate M&Ms!
The boys played well together, and I made them go to sleep about midnight. The parents picked them up at 11:30 the next morning, and Biscuit and I chilled that day while Jeff went off to cover a football game.
This boy is just growing up too fast!