Monday, August 29, 2016

Back to the business at hand

Everybody who is close to our family knows that Jeff's dad passed away earlier this summer. I would really love to share some stories and/or photos at some point, but not just yet. It's still too hard.

So here's what happened today. Biscuit started the second grade! And he doesn't look like a little kid anymore, does he?

The slate he's holding was a gift from a friend of
mine who brought it back for him from Scotland.

On the last day of school in June, I drove Biscuit away from school with tears in his eyes. He was truly sad that school was ending for the year.

So this morning, he was raring to go! Jeff went up to wake him up, and I heard immediate chattering upstairs. He was talking 90 miles a minute.

Apparently, Biscuit had a dream that he was in the Amazon rain forest when Jeff and I showed up out of nowhere. We thought we were supposed to be at Biscuit's school for a parents' event. Then one of Biscuit's friends came driving up in Jeff's Barracuda.

"And guys, he's ONLY a third-grader!" Biscuit said laughing. "And with all of that going on in my dreams, I only slept half the night. I'm just so excited!"

We went to the school's open house Thursday evening to find his classroom and meet his teacher. The kindergartners and first-graders are on the same hallway, but the second-graders are in a different part of the building. We found his classroom and walked in. He introduced himself to his teacher (who looked to be about 12 years old, by the way), and she said, "Oh, I've heard about you." But she didn't say WHAT she had heard.

I asked Jeff later what he thought she meant by that, and he said, "Well, she said it with a smile and in a good tone of voice, so hopefully that means she's heard some good things."

Let's hope!

I picked up Biscuit this afternoon, and the first thing he said after I signed him out was, "Mom, today was AWESOME!"

He said he likes his teacher and classroom, he met a new friend, he's getting to read a book about tigers (his most recent favorite animal), and he knew some kids in his class from kindergarten and first grade. That does sound awesome.

Here are a few more pictures from this morning: 

Cute smile (even though he's looking down instead of at the camera).

Pretending to be scared.

Pretending to be happy (although he looks like an excited puppy).

Showing his excitement - no pretending needed.

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