Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Can you hear me now?

Sometimes when Biscuit talks, his speech is so plain, and I can understand everything he says. Then other times, he’ll try to tell me something, and I just have no clue what he’s trying to say. When that happens, he gets very frustrated. Here was a conversation we had yesterday evening after we left Target.

“Bucka, Mama?” Biscuit asked. I didn’t understand what he was saying, so I asked him to repeat himself.

“Bucka, Mama?” he said again. And I still didn’t get it.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t understand what you’re asking me, Biscuit,” I said.

This is where the frustration happened.

“FASTEN SEATBELT, MAMA!!!” he yelled. Then I got it. He was asking if I was buckled in.

“Yes. I have my seatbelt fastened. Thank you for checking, but you do not yell at me again,” I said.

“Sowwy, Mama,” he said.

1 comment:

Jenrobburton said...

You have the most conscientious 2-year-old on the planet!