Friday, October 15, 2010

Go team!

I just got home from doing a little Christmas shopping.

Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm freakish to be shopping so early, but I did it by accident one year and realized how much more money I had to play with closer to Christmas. Then I was hooked. Actually, I'm running way behind compared to other years!

Anyway, I got home from shopping, and Biscuit and Jeff were sitting on the couch watching the Yankees game. Biscuit holds one of his wooden drumsticks in the batter's position as he watches the players. His Dada says he has an equally smooth swing from the right and left side of the plate.

"Whatcha doing, Biscuit?" I asked.

"Watch ballgame," he said.

"Who's playing?" I asked.

"Go Rankees," he said.

That's right, boy. GO RANKEES!!!

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