Thursday, October 14, 2010

Funny stuff

It seems like sometimes days or weeks go by with Biscuit not doing anything new. And then there are weeks like the past couple, where it seems like he is saying or doing something new every day!

Here are a few of the funny things he's been up to lately:

"Bump, Mama. Bump." There's quite a good sized dip as you pull into the driveway at Biscuit's day care center. So every single morning, as we turn in, right before we hit the dip, Biscuit says, "Bump, Mama. Bump."

Counting steps. Biscuit has been able to count to 10 for a while now, but he's just now starting to understand the concept of the numbers - that instead of just reciting them, you can use numbers to count things. So now, every time we go up and down steps, we have to count them. It's fine on the doorsteps, but there comes a problem when there's a full flight of stairs. He only knows up to 10, so once he's done with those numbers, he gets a little confused. So he just starts naming numbers. ...8 step ...9 step ... 10 step ... 4 step ... 8 step ... 2 step ... 5 step ...

Red bird, red bird. Biscuit loves the book "Brown Bear, Brown Bear." The story goes "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see?" "I see a Red Bird looking at me." "Red Bird, Red Bird, what do you see?" "I see a White Dog looking at me." And it continues on and on through a bunch of animals. Biscuit now walks around saying, "Red Bud, Red Bud, what you see?" "I see Brown Bear look at me."

Yesterday, he carried it even further. We were at an office supply store having his birthday invitations printed. Biscuit was sitting in his stroller waiting patiently. All of a sudden, he said, "Red Bud, Red Bud, what you see?" "I see Melmo look at me." I looked down and realized he was talking to a little, plastic Elmo ring he was holding. I thought it was pretty smart of him to figure out the pattern and add in his own lines.

"Watch ballgame, Dada." Jeff wanted to watch a playoff baseball game the other night, but I wanted to watch, um, not baseball.
I asked Biscuit, "Do you want to stay with Dada, or do you want to come with me?" Biscuit said, "Um, ballgame Dada?" "Yeah, boy. There's a ballgame on." Biscuit grinned, looked at me and said, "Dada!" What a shame. I had to sit all by myself on a king-size bed, surrounded by pillows, watching a girlie movie.

Mom and Dad
. It seems like mine and Jeff's names change every once in a while. Sometimes we're Mama and Dada. Sometimes we're Kimmy and Jeff. And lately, we've been Mom and Dad (except it sounds more like Dat).

Our boy amazes us. He keeps us smiling and laughing every day.

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