When Biscuit and I came home Sunday evening, there was a shopping bag full of old family photo albums in the passenger seat of my car.
Mama sent me home with the albums because I had mentioned to her that with the nice photo/negative scanner I got from my in-laws for Christmas, I could scan in the old photos and put them on DVDs. I originally made the suggestion months ago, but with summer coming, I knew my time would be limited. So I had to put Mama off for a little while. But as I was getting ready to leave Sunday, and with summer winding down, I figured now might be a good time to get started.
The only problem I'm having is that most of the photos have been glued into the albums. That means that instead of scanning individual photos, I'm having to scan whole pages, then break them up into individual photos. It's been a little tedious, but I know when she secured the photos into her albums, there's no way Mama could've seen the coming advances in photo technology that would be put to better use if the photos could be removed individually from the albums.
Anyway, I thought I would share a few of the photos I rediscovered. Even though my fancy photo editing program has done a lot for the photos already, I've got some touch-up work to do on them. But you can still tell it's me!
This was taken on my fourth birthday. |
I was taking my brother for a ride on his pedal car. I love that my shirt had my name on it. |
This was after kindergarten graduation. Check out the bruises on my shins. |
One great Christmas!!! Ant in the Pants, Raggedy Ann and Andy (that I still
have, although Andy is missing an arm), cymbal-playing monkey and more! |
This was one of my early attempts at photography. That devil on the left is my brother. Guessing by his size, I'm guessing I was probably 7 or 8 when I took this. I think my photography skills have improved a little bit. |
This was my fifth birthday that we celebrated at my aunt's house right outside of Chicago. |
At the edge of a cornfield in Iowa. Man, Iowa sure is flat! |
Me and Elvis, aka Daddy. This is one of my favorite pictures of us. In case you couldn't guess, this picture was taken during the 1970s! Check out the couch ... and my pants ... and my elephant slippers ... and Daddy's hair. |
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