Sunday, August 19, 2012

Home again

Biscuit and I made it home ... finally!

We were only gone from Friday evening to Sunday evening, but it seems like it was for three weeks.

I checked the video camera this evening as I was unpacking and discovered that the video of Biscuit riding the horse didn't take for some reason. I'm not sure what happened, and I'm quite frankly too tired to be too concerned about it tonight.

Jeff got home right after we did, and Biscuit was excited to tell him about his weekend.

"The horse's name is Domino, Dad," Biscuit told Jeff a few minutes ago. "But not Domino like the restaurant."

I'm a little disturbed that my kid's only domino reference is the restaurant, not the game.

Anyway, I'll write more about our weekend, but here's another picture of Biscuit and his cousin with Domino.

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