Monday, August 13, 2012

Nice to meet you

A post from The Daddy Man:

I took Biscuit with me to the grocery store to get some coffee the other night. We ground up the coffee beans and headed to the cash register. The cashier was a boy about 18 years old.

"My name is Griffin," Biscuit said. "What's your name?"

"My name is Michael," the cashier said and reached out to give Biscuit a high-five.

We finished our transaction, and Michael said, "It was nice to meet you, Griffin."

"It was nice to meet you, too, Michael," Biscuit said.

As Jeff and Biscuit were walking out the door, Biscuit laughed and said, "Dad, I like Michael the cash-register man. He gave me a high-five."

Our boy has never met a stranger.


An addition from The Mama:

I'd like to piggyback on Jeff's experience with a similar one I had with Biscuit tonight.

We went to do our toiletry / household cleaner / dry goods shopping. We were in line behind one other person, and Biscuit said, "Mom, can I tell the cash register lady hello?"

"Not yet," I said. "We have to wait our turn." As the lady in front of us rolled her buggy toward the door, we pulled up at the cash register, and I said to Biscuit, "NOW you can say hello."

"Hi! My name is Griffin," he said. "What's your name?"

"My name is Diana," she said. "It's nice to meet you, Griffin."

"We're done with our shopping," Biscuit said. "After this, my Mom and me are going to a restaurant to eat, but Dad can't come because he's playing golf." (Dad wasn't playing golf, he's covering golf at a tournament. Of course, I don't think that matters to Biscuit.)

"That sounds like fun," the cashier said.

"I like your earrings," Biscuit said. "My Mom wears nice earrings, too. But yours have feathers. I like feathers."

The cashier looked at me and asked, "How old is he?" I told her that he's 3 1/2. She laughed and said, "Are you sure? I might have to ask for birth certificate proof."

"He's a little bit shy," I said. "Can you tell?"

"MOM! I'm not shy," Biscuit said.

"I know, baby," I said. "I was just teasing."

"Sometimes Mom teases me and I laugh and laugh," Biscuit said.

I paid for our purchases, and Biscuit and Diana were still talking. Then I started to push the buggy away from the register, and Biscuit and Diana were still talking.

"Okay," I said. "Y'all tell each other bye so we can go."

Like Jeff said, our boy knows no strangers.

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