Wednesday, August 8, 2012


No surprise here, but Biscuit was pretending to be a firefighter last night.

Jeff was a victim of some sort and called the fire chief on the phone. Biscuit held the fire chief in one hand and his cell phone in the other hand. It didn't seem to matter that the fire chief was a quarter of the size of the phone.

Anyway, for Biscuit and the fire chief to make their rescue, they had to get dressed in their fire equipment. Biscuit was going to put on his fire helmet, but first, he had to put on his air mask (aka a Grasshoppers bucket hat).

Here's the firefighter in action:

Biscuit helps the fire chief take an emergency call.

Biscuit put on his "air tank" otherwise known as a bucket hat.

I'm not sure what the deal is with this fake smile, but I'll be glad when it goes away ... forever!

"Mom, first goes the air tank, then the fire helmet," Biscuit said.

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